Assess strategic costs, risks and opportunities
for clients in relation to government policy proposals or
Design strategies to help clients achieve
their objectives in government processes, including communications
Develop alternative policy proposals,
including cost-benefit analysis using law and economic techniques
Legal interpretation
Advise on the legal framework within clients
operate, including the meaning and effect of statutes, regulations
and rules
Develop strategies to mitigate possible
adverse effects of legislation on clients' plans
Design legislative proposals for industry
and interest groups
Legislative drafting
Help draft statues, regulations, and government
policy statements with government officials
Prepare rules for private and public organisations,
including constitutions, industry rules and codes of conduct
Work with industries to negotiate key
regulatory and market design issues within a framework acceptable
to relevant regulators
Represent clients in departmental, agency,
commission, Cabinet, and Parliamentary processes
Prepare and present submissions to officials,
tasks forces, inquiries, Ministers, Cabinet Committees,
Select Committees, the Commerce Commission, the Electricity
Commission, and other similar bodies