Tony Baldwin
Business | Policy
Electricity Industry - Publications


Market Development Advisory Group:

MDAG was established by the Electricity Authority to provide independent advice on issues relating primarily to (a) pricing and cost allocation, (b) risk and risk management and (c) operational efficiencies. MDAG’s membership was drawn from the industry and it was supported by a secretariat of outstanding consultants.

Wholesale market design for a high renewables system

“High standard of trading conduct”

I was the principal author of the following reports for MDAG’s review of the “high standard of trading conduct” provisions of the Electricity Code 2010:


2015 – 2018




  • “Submission on Commission’s security of supply review”, October 2007, by Tony Baldwin
  • National Radio – ‘Meridian’s new contract with Rio Tinto (Comalco)’ – Tony Baldwin interviewed on ‘Midday Report’, 2 October 2007
  • National Radio – ‘Effect of carbon cost on electricity prices’ – Tony Baldwin interviewed by Eric Frickberg on ‘Midday Report’ and ‘Check Point’, 21 September 2007
  • National Radio – ‘Electricity prices’ – Tony Baldwin in panel interview with Kathryn Ryan on ‘Nine to Noon’, 12 June 2007










  • "A Better Deal for Electricity Consumers", April 1998. Tony Baldwin was the principal writer of this document, which sets out the key elements of the Government's 1998 industry restructuring package, including the formation of Genesis, Meridian and Mighty River.  (Ministry of Commerce "A Better Deal for Electricity Consumers": An Outline of the New Zealand Government's Electricity Reform Package”, 7 April 1998)
  • Electricity Industry Reform Act 1998. Tony led a small team of other specialists drafting this Act to implemented the Government's policies set out in 'A Better Deal for Electricity Consumers' (referred to above)
  • "Final Certification Report", Electricity Reform Transition Unit (ERTU), December 1998. This was a group established to preview in detail whether each of the proposed new SOEs would be (among other things) financially viable and effective competitors. Tony was responsible for establishing and overseeing this group.    Three “Interim Development Groups” (pre-establishment boards) were put in place for each of the three proposed new SOES with the task of certifying whether their entity would be viable. The report outline for the Huntly IDG is here.



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