Waitaha hydro proposal
(2015 – 2018) Tony prepared a detailed independent
assessment for the Minister of Conservation of a 16-20 MW
hydro generation proposal by Westpower for the Waitaha River
on the West Coast. He also made a range of submissions in
a private independent capacity.
– Initial Public Offering (2011 to 2014)
Tony was the Project Manager for the Company of the IPO by
which the Crown sold 49% of its shares in Genesis Energy,
which included assisting the Company with its preparations
for the sale and related scoping study processes.
Electricity Industry
Review – Transpower (2010)
Tony assisted Transpower – the System Operator in particular
– in considering the implications of the industry changes
to be introduced by the Government following its 2009 review
Electricity Industry Review –
Contact Energy (2009)
Tony assisted Contact Energy in formulating its response to
the Government’s review of the industry, and in particular
key changes to recommend to the Electricity Technical Advisory
Group and the Ministry of Economic Development
Electricity Industry Review –
Genesis Energy (2009)
Tony assisted Genesis Energy in formulating its response to
the Government’s consideration of asset reconfiguration
options among the SOE generators.
Transpower (2008 – 09)
In late 2009, Tony facilitated an industry workshop for Transpower
on its T2040 strategy. In August 2008 and January 2009, Tony
facilitated workshops for Transpower’s Grid Investment
division in relation to its organisational strategy.
grid upgrade proposals (2007) Tony assisted Transpower
in planning and managing stakeholder workshops on various
grid investment proposals, in particular for North Auckland
and Northland, Waitaki to Christchurch, and the HVDC Pole
1 retirement or replacement.
Transpower's grid investment process
In late 2006, Tony assisted Transpower in reviewing its internal
and external processes for making grid investment decisions,
in particular how grid planning, costs-benefit analysis, resource
management, and land-owner approvals should be integrated
in the decision-making process. Transpowers review included
internal workshops and consultation with stakeholders.
Security of
Supply (1992 2007) Security of supply in New Zealands electricity industry
has been a recurring fundamental issue. Tony has been closely
involved in public policy design in this field since 1992.
In October 2007, Tony provided a submission
to the Commission on its legal duties in relation to security
of supply.
Commission's legal
framework (2004)
The Electricity Commission was formed in 1994. It is an usual
hybrid creation, with a curious mix of functions within a
complex regulatory regime. Some political and industry perceptions
of its role do not correspond with functions and relationships
set out in the Act within which it operates. Tony prepared
a report for the Electricity Commission on this legal framework.
Market Development Group (2004 - present)
Tony chairs a group of senior industry executives who have
developed a package of measures to improve the market for
instruments used in managing electricity spot and basis price.
Reports of July 2006 set out the groups analysis and
recommendations, which have been accepted the Electricity
Commission. The Groups role now is to act as a sounding
board for the Commission as it implements the Groups
proposals. The Group meets when requested by the Commission.
Model retail contract
(2004) Under the Metering and Reconciliation Information Agreement
established by the industry in 1994, Tony chaired a stakeholder
group which negotiated model retail electricity contracts
for the industry and consumers. Responsibility for this project
was transferred to the Electricity Commission in May 2004
of Genesis, Meridian and Mighty River Power (1998) Tony also led the Government's team of officials, advisers
and consultants responsible for negotiating the restructuring
of ECNZ into three competing SOEs, and preparing the Electricity
Industry Reform Act 1998 to implement the Government's decisions.
Contact Energy was privatised in early 1999 for NZ$2.3 billion
following this restructuring.
of Contact Energy (1996)
Tony led the Government's team of officials, advisers and
consultants responsible for negotiating the sale of certain
assets by Electricity Corporation of New Zealand, and overseeing
the formation of Contact Energy.
Other Involvement
Tony also coordinated Government teams,
and advised Cabinet on:
Electricity Shortage Inquiry 1992
Separating Transpower
from ECNZ (1992/93)
Reviewing Comalco's
contracts (1992)
Corporatising distribution
and retail companies (1992)
Wholesale electricity
pricing discussions with ECNZ (1991 - 98)
Transmission pricing
discussions (1991 - 98)
Various industry
working groups, reviews, taskforces and studies (1991 -